In this ever-expanding, virtual basket, I shall gather and share the harvest of a half century love-affair with writing. Pull up a chair and a journal, laptop, or whatever you writing implement of choice, and join me in harvesting the feast of your life. *At the end of some posts, there will be a writing "spark" to inspire your own journaling. Have fun and send the critics—if any are hanging around—out to play.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Here's a mind stopping question that can generate some writing, perhaps stream of consciousness.  A question to revisit and write about on different days, in varied states of being.  Maybe after a deep, still meditation.  Or after an exhilarating walk or run.  Could be great to sit down for 10 minutes, less or more, and write after making love or right after an intimate encounter with a friend, your child, a tree.  Come to the statement & question with discomfort, anger, fear.   Here goes.  I thank my friend, Jayanti, for handing this to me last night:

We are all one.  What does this mean to you?

Take a few breaths.  Be present.  Write beyond spiritually-correct answers. 

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