Hi to those who have come to this page and to those who are "followers" of this blog.
I want to share why I have not been posting for a while and to confirm that before too long, I shall be posting regularly. I am in the miraculous process of bringing my historical novel, The Tremble of Love, to the finish line. (I thought I was there before, but there was more refining to do, which I have almost completed!) My strong desire and intention is to complete these revisions this month of the heart (February 2011)! I will then be ready to offer the book to those* who help bring it into the world. (*I am trusting that the right people to join me are waiting for The Tremble of Love even if they don't know it yet consciously:))
I warmly embrace your blessings on this leg of the journey. It makes a huge difference to be "held" this way. Join me in seeing the book complete, published and carrying its love and light into those lives it is blessing. The Tremble of Love is a sanctuary, an energetic field, a constellation of healing vibrations, pure joy, a fascinating, captivating read...and more. You'll be the first to hear all about it! But for now, I am heading back to the 1700's to do what needs to be done so that the Baal Shem Tov and the wonderful others inhabiting the book can emerge into this time-space as soon as possible.